How Long Is Recovery From a Facelift?

April 3, 2021

Face Lift Las Vegas

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a facelift is undoubtedly one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to get carried out. 

Dr. Frank Stile, a board-certified plastic surgeon, offers facelift procedures from Stile Aesthetics, his purpose-built cosmetic surgery center in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Stile uses innovative technology to perform facelifts that deliver optimal results for all patients.

Learn more below about facelift procedures and details on the recovery times from the surgery.


Before Photo
After Photo

*Individual Results May Vary


A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic treatment that gets carried out as an outpatient procedure. During your initial consultation, Dr. Stile assesses the facial area and discusses your requirements to recommend the best treatment options.

Sometimes, it can make sense to combine a facelift with other surgical procedures like chin augmentation or eyelid surgery.

Once you are taken back for your facelift, Dr. Stile will administer general anesthesia and begin by making carefully-placed incisions behind the ears and around the hairline.

Dr. Stile will use other surgical techniques to tighten up the facial muscles skin. Excess skin is carefully measured and removed.. Afterward, Dr. Stile will reposition the facial skin for a smoother, more natural appearance. Dr. Stile may also use liposuction to extract  fat from the neck,

Lastly, Dr. Stile will close the incisions where the healing process can then begin.


Once the facelift procedure is complete, Dr. Stile will place a bandage around your face to minimize the swelling and bruising. You may also have small tubes present to draw off any excess fluids or blood following the surgery.

Dr. Stile will give you instructions on how to care for the surgical areas, along with any medication for pain relief as some pain and discomfort will likely ensue. You should also expect swelling and bruising for around two weeks post-surgery.

After that time, you’ll likely be cleared to resume your normal daily activities, such as going to work or working out at the gym.


Around three weeks after your facelift, you can expect to see the dramatic and natural results of your procedure. Those results are long-lasting, and even considering your skin aging as you get older, you’ll still have a youthful appearance.

You could opt for a maintenance facelift or other cosmetic procedures such as dermal filler treatments or eyelid surgery as you age.


Facelift surgery is for people that want to diminish the effects of aging by correcting cosmetic concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, and loose and sagging skin. It’s a form of facial rejuvenation that offers the best results, and any adult can benefit from the procedure.

A facelift will also give you a boost in confidence and a reinvigorated appearance. Dr. Stile’s surgical techniques also result in the lowest possible downtime, along with the best possible outcome.


You could be a candidate for a facelift if you’re an adult that wants to address some cosmetic facial concerns such as skin laxity, “turkey neck,” and deepening of the fold lines between your nose and the corners of your mouth.

An ideal candidate for facelift surgery is also someone who leads a healthy lifestyle and has an excellent overall health level.


Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 761-3112.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.