Fat Transfer Las Vegas

Why Consider a Fat Transfer?

Board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Frank L. Stile understands that loss of facial volume occurs for many reasons, including aging, massive weight loss, and maintaining low body fat. Loss of facial volume can exaggerate the appearance of normal aging and give patients an unhealthy, gaunt look.  

A surgical fat transfer or fat grafting is a procedure designed to restore and enhance volume using a patient’s own tissue (fat). Through a highly specialized process, fat is harvested under sterile conditions, processed, and injected to increase facial volume strategically. 

*Individual results may vary.

How is Fat Grafting Performed?

This is a complex procedure. Fat must be harvested in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the fat cells. It is important not to disrupt the fat cell membrane so that live fat cells are transferred. During Dr. Stile’s procedure at Stile Aesthetics, up to 80% of the transferred fat will survive and provide patients with long-lasting results. Call our Las Vegas, NV, office today to schedule a consultation to learn more.

Real Patients, Real Stories

Learn More About Fat Transfer

Once the patient is under general anesthesia or sedation, an instrument called a cannula is inserted through the skin to suction out fat from a donor site, such as the abdomen or inner thighs. Incisions for this procedure are very small and will heal, leaving practically undetectable scars.  

The removed fat is then strained and purified before being transferred into dozens of 1cc syringes for eventual placement. Dr. Stile will inject the fat strategically below the facial skin and into deeper tissue, augmenting and sculpting a beautiful result. The enhanced areas are often gently massaged so that the fat settles smoothly and the desired volume restoration is achieved. 

Men and women are turning to plastic surgeons to perform fat transfers to plump cheeks, fill lips, and restore the overall youthful appearance of their faces. Great candidates for fat grafting surgery:

  • Have areas of the body (donor sites) with enough excess fat for liposuction
  • Have areas of the face that are flat or thin and need volume. 
  • Are non-smokers. 
  • Have overall good health.

Patients will have a more youthful look resulting from the facial volume that is restored. These patients will also notice healthier-looking skin that may be the result of the growth factors in the injected fat. Between 70-80% of the transferred fat volume will survive. Patients undergoing a fat transfer may need small additional grafting surgeries in the future.  

Fat transfer is generally a more natural way to enhance and add volume to areas of the face than dermal injectables or artificial cheek or chin implants. 

This is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, patients recover and are sent home when stable. The procedure is minimally uncomfortable, often described as soreness and/or like a sunburn. 

Patients will see redness and swelling initially, but fat transfers usually have a short downtime of seven to ten days and a total recovery period of one to two weeks. Final results can be appreciated in one to two months following surgery.

Take the Next Step

Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 243-9555.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.

*Individual results may vary