Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

July 14, 2021

Tummy Tuck Las Vegas

Diet and exercise can improve many things, but they cannot correct certain problems, such as serious skin laxity or a paunchy “loose” belly. This is because the abdominal muscles have often separated vertically due to pregnancy, or the skin’s elasticity has not returned after significant weight loss. 


*Individual Results May Vary


The tummy tuck involves a horizontal incision just above the pubic hairline to give Dr. Stile access to the lower abdominal muscles. Muscles weakened or separated by pregnancy can be tightened and restored to their pre-pregnancy pre-weight-gain position with permanent sutures. This muscle repair behind at the xyphoid process of the sternum (the highest point on the upper abdomen)and extends downward to reach the pelvic bone. Once Dr. Stile is satisfied with the repair to the abdominal muscles, excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen is removed. The umbilicus is repositioned (if necessary) and brought out through a new opening.

For patients who’ve achieved significant weight loss, removing excess skin brings great relief. In fact, most of Dr. Stile’s abdominoplasty patients feel it’s a life-changing decision that has drastically improved their quality of life.


The tummy tuck is an extensive procedure that involves intervention in the muscle layer of the body’s core, the diastasis recti abdominal muscles. These muscles are vital to our posture and balance and affect many aspects of our lives. 

Candidates for abdominoplasty share many traits, such as:

  • Women who’ve achieved their family planning goals whose body has endured significant changes from pregnancy. An existing C-section scar may also be incorporated into the abdominoplasty incision (or removed when loose skin is excised), so there’s no extra scarring involved.
  • Men and women who have achieved significant weight loss (often due to bariatric surgery) and now have excess loose skin on their abdomen. No amount of exercise can tighten skin that has stretched beyond a certain point, so surgical repair is the best option for correction.
  • Men and women who have weakened abdominal muscles that make them prone to umbilical or ventral hernia. Anchoring the abdominal muscles in place can strengthen the core and lower the incidence of these hernias.

Ideal candidates are men and women who have experienced these situations and desire a flatter, more toned abdomen and have realistic expectations about what a tummy tuck can achieve. A consultation with Dr. Stile can help get you started.


The level of correction your abdominal muscles require will determine the extent of your tummy tuck, which may be a mini-abdominoplasty (lower abdomen only), full abdominoplasty (standard procedure), or extended abdominoplasty (above the navel).

Your tummy tuck is performed in the Premium Surgical Services Center by Dr. Stile and the experienced surgical team and takes between 2-3 hours. In some cases, liposuction may be added for additional body shaping.


When you awaken from your tummy tuck, you’ll be wearing a supportive garment to help with swelling during your recovery at home. Most patients require rest and a modified activity schedule for 2 weeks before they resume normal activity. Heavy lifting or exercise is restricted for up to 4-6 weeks.

Core exercises can resume after 6 weeks, and you’ll notice greater abdominal strength than before. Once the initial swelling subsides in the first few weeks, your new, flatter physique will emerge. Clothes will fit better, and your posture will be improved. Most of all, your confidence and self-image get a significant boost with the amazing results Dr. Stile can help you achieve.


Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 761-3112.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.