What Procedures Are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

July 6, 2020

Las Vegas Mommy Makeover

While becoming a mother can be incredibly rewarding, there’s no denying that pregnancy and childbirth can bring unwanted changes to your body. If you’ve given birth, you may notice loose muscles and skin as well as stubborn fat deposits.

Although diet and exercise may help you improve your postpartum body, you may benefit from a mommy makeover to achieve your desired results. A mommy makeover pairs a number of procedures to bring you more confidence after you’re done having kids. So what procedures are included in a mommy makeover? Keep reading to find out to learn about the most common procedures included in a mommy makeover.


Mommy Makeover Before
Mommy Makeover Las Vegas

*Individual Results May Vary


If you’re bothered by small, uneven, or unbalanced breasts, breast augmentation surgery may be the way to go. Through the use of breast implants, it can give you larger, more symmetrical breasts and allow you to wear tight shirts you may have previously shielded away from. You can undergo breast augmentation with or without a breast lift.


breast lift may be a good option if you’re concerned about sagging or stretched breasts. During the procedure, Dr. Stile will remove excess skin from your breast area to leave you with firmer, perkier breasts. A breast lift may also help you if you’re struggling with irritation that stems from low-hanging breasts.


Stubborn deposits of fat on your abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs are quite common following childbirth. Since diet and exercise may not be enough to get rid of them, liposuction may make sense. This body contouring procedure is intended to remove fat deposits and sculpt a leaner, more attractive contour


If you’ve given birth, your tummy is likely one of your greatest problem areas. A tummy tuck can resolve loose skin on your stomach or diastasis recti, which is the separation of your abdominal muscles. You’ll be left with smooth, taut skin and feel great in tighter fitting clothing items. 


There are a number of benefits of undergoing multiple procedures at once. Not only can this minimize the amount of time you’re under general anesthesia, it can reduce downtime and give you the chance to return to work and your daily activities immediately. In addition, having multiple procedures simultaneously can save you money. During a consultation, Dr. Stile can help you determine the ideal combination of procedures for your unique situation. 


Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 945-0981.