How Much Does Microneedling Cost?


August 15, 2020

Las Vegas Microneedling

There’s a reason celebrities and everyday people love microneedling. It’s a great way to restore youth without anesthesia or downtime. During a microneedling treatment, one of our expert providers will use tiny needles to penetrate the surface of your skin and stimulate collagen and elastin. You’ll be left with a beautiful, youthful complexion. If you’re wondering how much microneedling may cost you, keep reading.


In most cases, microneedling costs anywhere between $100 and $700 per session. However, there are a number of factors that will determine your exact cost. The condition of your skin and the area being treated will be considered. 

You should understand that since microneedling is a cosmetic treatment,  rather than a medical necessity, your health insurance policy won’t cover it. Fortunately, we offer flexible payment plans to make it more affordable. We’ll be happy to work with your budget. 


Dr. Stile is a strong advocate of microneedling because of its versatility.  Microneedling can help diminish the appearance of acne scars and even out your skin tone. It can also reduce spider veins and broken capillaries. 

Additionally, this treatment can smooth out fine lines and minor wrinkles and lighten sun spots and hyperpigmentation. No matter what your skincare goals are, microneedling is likely to help you achieve them. It may be just what you need to look young and radiant. Research has also proven that microneedling can significantly enhance the ability of your skin to absorb topical products.


For optimal results, you’ll need multiple microneedling sessions. Our expert providers usually suggest one session every 4 to 6 weeks or so until you’re pleased with your results. After every treatment, you can expect micro-injuries in your skin, which will stimulate a natural healing response. This will allow your body to produce new collagen and elastin, two proteins that are essential for a smooth, radiant glow. 


Almost all men and women can benefit from microneedling in some way. If you’d like to look younger, diminish wrinkles, lighten sun spots, minimize stretch marks, or even out your skin tone, you may be a good candidate for microneedling. In the event you have rosacea or eczema, however, we do not recommend it as it can exacerbate your symptoms.


Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 761-3112.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.