How to Get Rid of “Man Boobs”?

January 1, 2024

Gynecomastia Las Vegas & Spring Valley

If anyone has ever used the term “man boobs” to describe your chest, even in a joking way, it may have made you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. This unflattering term describes a very common condition called gynecomastia that affects many males (over 25%) during their lifetime. If this condition affects your ability to enjoy life with confidence, gynecomastia surgery can sculpt a flatter, more masculine chest. 

What is Gynecomastia?

Men develop gynecomastia for many reasons. Hormones play a significant role, with many teenage boys experiencing the condition during puberty. Other factors include genetics, medical conditions, and certain prescribed or illicit substances. Excessive breast volume can include mostly glandular tissue, mostly fat, or a combination. Sometimes, gynecomastia will resolve when the underlying factors go away, but in many cases, correcting the problem requires surgery. 


*Individual Results May Vary

How to Get Rid of “Man Boobs”

If you feel like your “man boobs” are attracting unwanted attention and making you try to hide them, it might be time to get rid of them for good. Gynecomastia surgery is the most effective way to sculpt a more masculine chest that restores your confidence. 

Dr. Stile will choose one of several methods to perform gynecomastia surgery. The incision is usually hidden along the edge of the areola and used to excise excess breast tissue. Liposuction is then used to remove unwanted fat and sculpt the area. However, each procedure is customized to your needs so details may differ. 

What is Recovery Like After Gynecomastia Surgery?

You will have some soreness and swelling after your procedure. Bandages and a compression garment will support your chest while it heals. Most people can return to work in seven to ten days if their job does not involve lifting or strenuous activity. You can resume low-impact exercise after two to three weeks and your usual exercise routine after four to six weeks. You will receive detailed instructions from your Stile Aesthetics team. 

What are the Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery?

For men who struggle with large male breasts, gynecomastia surgery can be a life-changing procedure. After surgery, you will experience:

  • Less anxiety about taking your shirt off in front of people
  • Freedom to wear more fitted shirts that highlight your chest
  • Confidence to engage in activities you held back from before
  • No longer worrying about people noticing your “man boobs”
  • In intimacy issues

Am I a Good Candidate for “Man Boob” Surgery?

If you are a healthy adult with enlarged male breasts, gynecomastia surgery may be ideal for you. Good candidates have reasonable expectations and understand the risks and benefits. You should not have this procedure if you have certain medical conditions. Candidates should plan to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep their chest area looking tight and masculine. 

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about what you can expect from gynecomastia surgery? Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 243-9555.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.

*Individual results may vary