What are Juvederm® Dermal Fillers?

What are Juvederm® Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are versatile, multi-purpose treatments that can be injected into areas like the lips, cheeks, and wrinkles. The Juvederm® family of fillers offers a range of formulas that can address different facial concerns. Dr. Stile and his team at Stile Aesthetics are proud to offer Juvederm® and other types of dermal fillers.  WHAT ARE JUVEDERM®  DERMAL FILLERS? Fillers…

How Long Do Breast Lift Incisions Take to Heal?

How Long Do Breast Lift Incisions Take to Heal?

Have you noticed your breasts starting to droop? This sagging happens naturally with age, following weight loss or after having children and can affect your confidence. A breast lift restores your breasts’ shape and position to provide a youthful look. It can be performed alone or combined with breast augmentation for beautiful results.  WHAT IS A BREAST…

What is Dysport® Made Of?

What is Dysport® Made Of?

Your expressive facial features help show your personality. They also create fine lines and wrinkles. Muscles crease the skin with each smile and frown, leading to signs of aging. Dysport® addresses expression lines for a smoother, more relaxed appearance for months. It allows you to look as young and refreshed as you feel.  WHAT IS DYSPORT®? Dysport® is…

How Safe is Liposuction?

How Safe is Liposuction?

Even people who lead a healthy lifestyle have a few challenging areas of fat. Whether you struggle with your abdomen, your thighs, or under your chin, liposuction can help you achieve your body sculpting goals. This fat removal procedure shapes and contours your figure to boost your confidence.  WHAT IS LIPOSUCTION? Liposuction is the most effective way…

Top 5 Benefits of Microneedling

Top 5 Benefits of Microneedling

Collagen loss is a natural effect of aging, but its effects on your skin include lines, wrinkles, and increased laxity. Microneedling triggers your skin to produce new collagen, strengthening and firming your skin for a rejuvenated appearance. This treatment can address many skin concerns, including signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.  WHAT IS MICRONEEDLING? Microneedling is…

The Basics of a Neck Lift

The Basics of a Neck Lift

Many of us pay little attention to our necks until they start to show signs of aging. Sagging skin can age you by making your neck look older and hide the contours of your chin and jawline. A neck lift firms loose skin, removes fat and tightens muscles for a more sculpted neck and jawline. This procedure can…