What Causes Gynecomastia?

February 20, 2024

Gynecomastia Las Vegas & Spring Valley

If enlarged breasts make you self-conscious about your chest, you have a lot of company. Gynecomastia will affect at least half of all men during their lifetime. It may resolve without treatment, but in many cases, these enlarged breasts are best treated with gynecomastia surgery. This procedure sculpts a masculine chest you can feel proud of and frees you to enjoy activities you used to hold back from. 

What is Gynecomastia?

Enlarged male breasts, formally called gynecomastia, can be a frustrating condition. This excess breast tissue may be mostly glandular, mostly fat, or any combination of the two. The skin may also sag, leading to areolas that point downward instead of forward. This condition is very common but can make men feel uncomfortable when wearing fitted clothing or removing their shirts for activities like swimming. 


*Individual Results May Vary

What Causes Gynecomastia?

The most common cause of gynecomastia is an imbalance between two of the body’s important hormones: testosterone and estrogen. While people think of testosterone as being the “male” hormone, men have estrogen, too, and too much estrogen or too little testosterone can cause gynecomastia. This imbalance causes many young men to experience enlarged breasts during puberty. 

Many other factors can cause gynecomastia, including:

  • Other hormonal conditions
  • Medical conditions
  • Genetics
  • Prescription medications
  • Illicit substances
  • Supplements

People with obesity may see improvements in gynecomastia if they lose weight, but the enlarged breasts will usually contain breast tissue that can only be removed surgically. Dr. Stile and his team will work with you to understand the underlying causes of your condition and ensure your gynecomastia surgery is a success. 

How is Gynecomastia Treated?

Gynecomastia surgery is the most effective way to get rid of enlarged male breasts. This procedure can be performed in several ways depending on your needs. In most cases, a small incision is made along the edge of the areola. Dr. Stile uses this incision to excise (surgically remove) glandular tissue, then uses liposuction to remove unwanted fat and decrease the breast volume even more. 

What is Recovery Like After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Immediately after your procedure, you will have a compression garment to wear, and you will be instructed to limit upper body movements for the first few days. You may experience some soreness, swelling, and bruising that starts to resolve within the first few weeks. People with low-activity jobs can usually return to work in seven to ten days

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Men who are bothered by the appearance of enlarged breasts are often good candidates for gynecomastia surgery. This procedure is recommended for healthy adults who understand the risks and benefits. People with gynecomastia caused by a medical condition may need treatment for that condition before their gynecomastia surgery. 

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about what you can expect from gynecomastia surgery? Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 243-9555.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.

*Individual results may vary